The TCBC Doctrinal Statement is Divided into 3 Parts and each has its own separate section below. You can click the '+' or '-' sign on each module to expand or contract each part for easy navigation
Tri-County Bible Church exists to glorify God by exalting the Lord, evangelizing the lost, and edifying the body of Christ.
We are committed to reaching the objective of exaltation by preaching the Word of God expositionally and authoritatively; by demonstrating the lordship of Christ through obedience to His Word; by worshipping the Lord in a manner that focuses on God rather than the worshipper and that is consistent with His character; by making prayer an integral part of our corporate and individual lives; by honoring the Lord through regular, cheerful and sacrificial giving; by observing the ordinances of baptism and communion in remembrance of Christ’s person and work; by defending the fundamental doctrines contained in this constitution; and by conforming our corporate and individual practices to the holiness of God.
We are committed to reaching the objective of evangelism by proclaiming the message of salvation by faith in Christ and repentance from sin and to God; by making the gospel message a regular part of our services; by welcoming the unsaved and kindly communicating to them their need of salvation; by communicating the gospel through personal and corporate outreach ministries; by planting like-minded, Bible-believing churches in our surrounding area; and by supporting worldwide missions through ordaining and financially supporting like-minded, Bible-believing missionaries.
We are committed to reaching the objective of edification by preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God in a manner that emphasizes personal godliness and conformity to Christlikeness; by equipping every member of this body to do the work of the ministry; by emphasizing personal Bible study; by confronting sin in a loving manner; by exposing false teaching and false teachers; by endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; by cooperating with parents in the spiritual nurturing of their children; and by promoting godly fellowship among believers.