Office Hours:
T - F 9 am - 1pm , 1:30 pm - 3 pm
Closed T from 9 am to 10 am
History :
Fay Burgess remembered stumbling across the first seeds of Trinity Presbyterian Church. They were right there in her mailbox one day.
In 1940 "The Board of National Missions sent out these surveys to everybody", Fay said "They wanted to know if West Sacramento would be interested in having a church, and what kind of church". The Board had records going back to 1926 of a Westgate Sunday School. This small group of believers had originally started with three teachers and 16 students in the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Nuttall.
On June 12, 1944, with the Rev. Gordon McCrane of the Fremont Presbyterian Church serving as moderator, the West Acres Community Presbyterian Church was formally welcomed to the Presbytery with a charter membership of 21.
After first meeting in homes and outgrowing the size of the houses this larger group of believers starting meeting in the "West Sacramento Club House". Since this was a club house the first chore Sunday morning was cleaning up the cigarette butts and disposing of the empty beer bottles. The Sunday School was in the area of the bar, Connie Johnson, who was 11 years old said "I can still remember the smell of beer on Sunday morning. It wasn't unusual to have the aroma of alcohol in the air". There wasn't anything to indicate it was a church other than what was brought in. The only heat came from a old oil heater that worked sometimes. Floy Gleason said "When it did work it was more 'stinky and smoky' than it was warm."