The mission of Troy Elementary School is to strive to educate every child in a safe and respectful environment where the school, home and community work together to develop life long learners.
We are into some challenging but exciting times in education. With revised curriculum in hand we have continued to work toward district and school goals with reading and language arts as a main focus. According to this fall’s standardized testing we are making progress, especially at the intermediate level. As “No Child Left Behind” places more and more demands on the core academics we will continue to strive for excellence but we don’t want to loose sight of all the other important aspects of a quality education. The Second Step program continues to be an important piece of what we do. It will always be important for our students to be able to deal with others in a positive way and know how to deal with situations when the other person may not. Students at the fourth grade level study the country through the States Expo project and presentation and they are introduced to hobbies and careers through the Hobby Fair project. Our sixth grade lake study, biodiversity projects at Camp Takodah and Channel 58 continue to offer opportunities to apply knowledge gained in the classroom.
Once again we had the opportunity to visit with over a hundred grandparents that were able to attend the annual Grandparent’s Lunch. Troy supports its school in so many ways it’s nice to be able to offer programs to help them. In an effort to support and assist parents and families we now offer an early drop-off beginning at 8:05 am and an after school program of academics, physical activity and crafts from 3:15 until 5:00 pm any day school is in session. Thanks to our PTO we have upgraded our playground to provide a better, safer facility for recreation both during school and for the community outside of school hours.
A continued thank you to all that volunteer their time and knowledge helping us to offer Troy’s children the best education possible.
Troy School currently has 192 students. That’s up from a low of 163 two years ago. We have 9 regular classrooms for grades K-6 and we are home base for the district autism program.