Our 2nd challenge - Trust that your journey toward God will not let you stay that way.
Mystery - We embrace the wonder and mystery of our Creator and seek to celebrate, enjoy and experience the goodness of God, that far surpasses our understanding.
Authenticity - We stumble every day in many ways - and so we encourage one another to readily admit mistakes, not to hide rough edges or try to cover up our struggles.
Acceptance - We believe God loves each of us completely and unconditionally and that growth happens best in safety and acceptance.
Connection - We trust God is passionately pursuing a personal connection with each of us. We desire a personal connection with God and each other.
Missional - We accept the challenge of Christ to serve in a world without becoming a product of it.
Love God - Loving God leads to our allowing God to know us.
Love people - We want to love others - to be motivated, encouraged and speak truth in love to build others up. Like the apostle John, we will say "If someone says, 'I love God,' but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar, for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we have not seen?"
Grow character - We seek to grow in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; this is what God produces in us when we yield ourselves to him.
Serve always - Each of us has been given unique gifts and abilities to love and serve him by uniting together to love and serve one another. Every person has a unique role to play in God's plans.