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University of Dubuque

2000 University Avenue


The University of Dubuque is a small, private university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA) offering undergraduate, graduate, and theological seminary programs. The University is comprised of individuals from the region, the nation, and the world.


The University of Dubuque by the year 2008 will be:

-Acknowledged as one of the best small, private Christian colleges and universities;
-Renowned for serving the best interests of students at all stages of their lives and at different levels of professional and personal development;
-Unified as a community where Christian commitment, intellectual integrity, and academic excellence are the basis for learning; Invigorated by its bold integration of both liberal arts and theological education with the acquisition of professional credentials required to compete and contribute in the global arena;
-Focused on the development of skills for critical and creative inquiry and communication enhanced by technology;
-Distinguished as a dynamic and vibrant cultural center where a diversity of ideas and experiences are embraced and nurtured;
-Energized by a dedicated, diverse, and demonstrably competent faculty and staff well-respected in the community and in their respective fields;
-Characterized by financial health and fiscal prudence, with a physical environment and facilities conducive to the University's educational mission;
-Respected as an educational institution whose graduates make their mark through their stewardship of human and natural resources, and in service to their community 
