About Us:
Valley Baptist Church is independent from all affiliation and dedicated to the accurate presentation of the Word of God for the maturing of the Saints and the edifying of the Body of Christ through the spiritual growth of our members. We are literal in our interpretation of the Scriptures accepting the normal usage of language as God's intention for human readers. As a result, we have a Bible-based theology built upon the grammar of the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages.
Sunday School: 9:45 AM
Dale Spurbeck - Christian Thought Life
Morning Service: 11:00 AM
Pastor David Spurbeck - The Book of Hebrews
Afternoon Service: 1:45 PM
Assistant Pastor Chris Camilli - The Book of Galatians
Evening School 7:00PM
Meeting in Woodburn
7pm - Historical Geography of Jerusalem
taught by David Spurbeck
8pm - Old Testament Studies
taught by Don Hewitt
Ladies' Bible Class 10:30AM
Class will resume September 5, 2017
Evening School of the Bible 7:00 PM
Classes will resume September 5, 2017
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Meeting in homes in Forest Grove.