As a congregation, we are very fortunate to be involved in many types of Mission projects both worldwide and locally. Mission opportunities are funded through our apportionments, our church's share in the ministry of the larger Methodist church; that is, God's ministry to others all over the globe. In addition to the funds given through apportionment, our church Mission group actively participates in raising funds for other aid organizations. Some of those organizations are: 30 Hour Famine Our youth and chaperones participate in this fast to raise money through donors and sponsors to help the millions of starving and hurting children in some of the world's poorest countries, offering them a hope they could not otherwise have. The group goes without food for 30 hours so they can have a real taste of what hunger is like. This event unites our youth group members like never before and the impact lasts long after the Famine event is over. It can be the spark that fires up a person for a lifetime of reaching out to neighbors in need, whether they are across the stree- or around the globe. Free materials are provided by World Vision.