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Village Of Garden City Recreation Department

108 Rockaway Avenue

The Garden City Department of Recreation and Parks takes great pride in our mission of "Enhancing our Community with People, Parks and Programs". Feel free to visit our web-site to obtain detailed information on the cultural, sports and senior programs we offer as well as a listing of all of our recreational parks and facilities.

Garden City's reputation for beautiful tree-lined streets is known throughout the nation. Each year, over 100 new trees are planted and hundreds are pruned. In addition, approximately 30,000 flower bulbs are planted annually during the Spring for a kaleidoscope of color in over 35 different locations.  The Department of Recreation and Parks cares for all Village-owned parkland and malls. Maintenance includes cutting grass, weeding, collecting leaves, cultivating shrubs and the general policing of these areas.  The Department also has four mobile watering tanks to keep the Village's plantings vibrant during the hot summer months.
