Our mission is to communicate the full gospel of Jesus Christ in the Spirit and power of Pentecost.
About Us:
We are committed to bringing men and women to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, our doctrine is conservative in nature reflecting the fundamental tenants of Evangelicalism: (1) The inerancy of scripture... (2) The virgin birth of Christ... (3) The substitutionary atonement... (4) The physical resurrection of Christ... and (5) The imminent return of Christ to the earth.
Our heritage is deeply rooted in the Holiness Revival of the 19th Century which swept across America. This revival brought a growing awareness of the need for purity within the church. We believe in a life of consecration to God which will be seen in personal piety, integrity, virtue, and simplicity.
We are part of the 20th Century Pentecostal Revival. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit as typified in the Book of Acts. We encourage believers to be filled with the Spirit and expect supernatural phenomena such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, divine healing, etc. to occur among us.
We are committed to unity within the Body of Christ. We see ourselves only as one expression of Christ's Body on the earth. We firmly believe that we should endeavor to maintain the unity of the Spirit with all true believiers in Christ, recognizing them as our brothers and sisters in Christ. We believe an open, loving relationship with other Christians is beneficial to everyone and will enhance the advancement of the Kingdom of God on the earth.
We believe in the centrality of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the promised Messiah, the Savior of the world, and Head of the Church. Thus, we are completely in the mainstream of historical Christianity.