In May 1951, the members of the Wanaque Borough Woman's Club were inspired to bring library facilities to the Borough of Wanaque. Following a year of discussion the Woman's Club leased an old house on the Haskell School property from the Board of Education in September 1952. Plans were made for renovation, but were withdrawn within a period of three years when it became evident that the property was needed for the school expansion program.
In February 1955, the Borough Council deeded a small lot on Furnace Avenue to the Woman's Club as a library site, but again were abandoned due to dissatisfaction concerning the suitability of the property. In 1959, the property was returned to the Borough. Enthusiasm and hoped waned until September 1961, ten years after the inception of a library program when a positive plan for construction of a library building was presented and a course of action was launched. The Borough Council leased to the Woman's Club the property at 616 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque in September. A referendum to accept and maintain a public library was passed in the November 7, 1961 election. Ground breaking ceremonies were held in the pouring rain on November 14, 1961.
The second decade of history of the library has been one of industry, fundraising, volunteer participation and hardship as construction proceeded spasmodically. All labor for this project was donated and although problems arose frequently the Woman's Club is humbly appreciative for the cooperation and perseverance of the towns people who contributed funds, materials and labor.
The sponsoring Club pays special tribute to Gerald T. Health, architect the general contractors, The Botbyl Brothers, Edward J. Ryan, Charles Trovato, John Smith, Donald Ryan, David Campbell, Glen Cisco and to the organization and citizens whose combined efforts and generosity have made this dream a reality. Temporary library services were offered to the public in April 1968 by the Library Board of Trustees in a store on Ringwood Avenue, Haskell. June 11 to 27, 1970 was a moving period from temporary facilities to permanent headquarters. The Woman's Club express its appreciation to the Wanaque Borough Board of Library Trustees for their cooperation and contribution in the final stages of this project.
On June 28, 1970 a year short of a second decade the Wanaque Borough Woman's Club proudly presents to the Borough of Wanaque a completed, well equipped Free Public Library.