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11035 Fish Lake Road
Wannafarm is a CSA in our 4th seasion. This season we will initiate a u-pick/purchase by the lb concept. We encourage participation in the planting and maintenance by our members but it is not required with your share. The enrollment fee is $50.00 payable by April 15th for the coming seasion. Picking days are Tuesday and Thursday 8am -11am and anytime Saturday. We have over 1.5 acres in garden space and plant many many varieties of vegetables.
CSA Details:
-Season:June through October
-Type:Single farm
-No of Shares:15
-Full Share:435yr
-Work Req?:No
Pick Up/Drop Off Points:
Wednesday/Friday 12-4pm
-Contact:Cathy Mckay
-Address: 11035 Fish Lake Road,holly, MI 48442