The Warsaw Community Coalition NFP (WCC) is made up of community
volunteers willing to donate time and perform fundraising activities to accomplish
projects to improve our community. Our primary goal is to make Warsaw a more
desirable place for people to migrate to as well as perhaps return to once their
education is completed. The volunteer hours and fundraising activities of the
WCC will be used to improve areas of the town that have become dilapidated
over the years due to neglect or abandonment by city services. We cannot continue to "wait for government funding" to make necessary improvements.
Another goal of the Warsaw Community Coalition is to foster a sense of pride in the community and to improve the day to day interaction between residents.
Warsaw is a small mid-western town and the age-old mid-western values of
neighbor helping neighbor and standing up to help ourselves should be nurtured
and encouraged. Warsaw has been decimated by two floods and a tornado causing
several million dollars in damage over the last 20 years. Our community has
traditionally pulled together in the face of catastrophe. However, these events
have taken a considerable amount of resources in just to trying to recover from
them, leaving normal projects in the community on the "back burner".
In addition, general town clean-up, refurbishment of recreational areas/programs,
refurbishment of run-down buildings, and general education of the public as to the
history of our town (celebrating our Bicentennial in 2012), are all goals of the
Warsaw Community Coalition.
The Warsaw Community Coalition NFP is organized exclusively for charitable
and educational purposes; more specifically our mission is to actively serve the
people of the Warsaw area by building permanent charitable capital, and
providing services that contribute to the health, education, and vitality of the