About Us:
In early days, Christians met with various denominations each Sunday, or as one source of information said, “Whoever had preaching that day!” In the 1890’s, Mr. Frank Boyd, a lawyer, donated a lot in Waynesboro on which a church building was built. He also contributed much to its building. This was the largest church building in the county at that time. The congregation was made up almost entirely of T.B. Larimore’s converts, one of whom was Frank Boyd. This congregation did well for some time but finally grew spiritually weak. Funds were donated and an organ was purchased but when a preacher of the church came, the organ was turned against the wall. The congregation was known as the Christian Church and the deed was written as such, but Mr. Boyd was a member of the church of Christ. He stated this himself in notes to Mr. L.D. Hendrix.
As the years went by, Mr. Boyd worshiped here and there but was not associated with any one denomination. Not being satisfied, he urged people in the Barlow community to worship God on Sunday afternoon at Vinewood Park which was his property at that time. Several families were interested and came. Worship was held outside under the towering trees of the park.
During this time, Mr. Dave Anderson and family moved into the community to work a tract of timber. He worshiped with the Christian Church but was very opposed to the use of instrumental music, as were Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Hendrix. The Hendrixes arranged for C.S. Austin to hold a tent meeting in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd furnished the lot, down by Green River, to set the tent on. And during this meeting many confessed wrongs.
This like-minded group decided they must worship according to the scriptures, so with Mr. Boyd’s help, the court room of the county Court House was secured for the meeting place.
Times were hard and money was scarce, but this dedicated group was determined to have a building of their own. In 1932, Mr. Frank Boyd, who was not as financially able as before, could not donate a lot, but he and his wife sold the group a choice lot for a small sum. He, being a lawyer, wrote the deed so that no denomination could ever get possession of, or worship there. It was deeded to the church of Christ. (Deed book 17 of 1930-00, page 530, sum $100).
With the growth of the congregation, a larger building was needed, so in 1956, the frame building was sold to Talmadge Hampton for $500. He moved it to the Barlow community for a dwelling. It still remains there today, now as a commercial building.
The congregation met in the Wayne County High School auditorium while the new brick facility was being completed. It was a source of pride but was soon outgrown and larger housing was needed as a result of good preaching from men like Malcolm George and Bobby Pinckley.
In 1963, two adjoining lots were purchased and the beautiful new addition and renovation was in service by 1965. A huge auditorium that seats 500 looked enormous and some said, “We’ll never fill this”; but at the dedication service, chairs were put in the aisles!
Today, the congregation at Waynesboro is growing. Our number’s average around the 180’s. The congregation at Waynesboro has set a goal to double the size of the congregation in five years. Everyone’s spirits are high and the future is looking good for the Waynesboro church of Christ.