Our mission statement is "Knowledge and Responsibility for Today and Tomorrow". Throughout the year we will all work hard to achieve goals which help students achieve this.
Our students enter the Wells Memorial School with a wide variety of abilities and experiences. It is our aim to understand, teach, and develop each individual; considering his intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. The teaching staff and parents must consider the whole child in acquiring a sensitivity and commitment to the educational process.
Learning is a lifelong process. In understanding this process, we present sequential learning experiences which build one upon another. Students meet reasonable expectations which challenge them towards future goals. We believe that students should be successful at their own level of development. The learning environment fosters an atmosphere of cooperation and respect which is developed by teachers, students, and parents.
In teaching the whole child, we must be aware of all aspects of the child's development. Students will be successful when they are respected, can express their feelings and emotions, and can cooperate with their peers. The school atmosphere reflects a mutual respect that is developed between students, teachers, and parents.
Harrisville has been designated as a federal landmark. It's our goal to develop social skills and pride in the community which will allow each student to be a contributing member. We practice responsibilities of citizenship and community living within the town, state, and nation.
We believe that each child should have a positive self-image, be accepted as an individual, and challenged by the learning process. We develop our school program towards these goals, continually seeking more effective ways to instill pride and achievement in each child.