West Muskingum Local School District mission is for every action to be dedicated to having all students achieve success. The District’s learning work is to help our students to develop into informed and involved citizens; men and women of strong character; and be college and/or career ready.
The West Muskingum School Districts aspires that:
Students receive the support of great families and great community. The work of educating the community’s children and youth cannot be done in isolation from families and the support of the community. The family and the community are the District’s partners in the educational process.
Students receive the support of great teachers and great leaders. The two cannot be separated. Research has demonstrated over and over that highly effective school leaders and teachers do make a difference in student learning and achievement.
Students are engaged in learning framed by relevant and rigorous curriculum. It is necessary that the district’s educational programs are aligned to the core standards and are well articulated in the curriculum. That curriculum must clearly state what a student is to know and be able to do from the simple to the complex. It is also essential that the curriculum help students develop to their fullest potential of their creativity, higher level thinking and problem solving, collaborative skills, and proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking.
Analysis of student data is used to continually improve student learning and achievement. The continual improvement of student learning and achievement is founded in the review of a variety of data sources in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the student’s progress and growth and continually improve the quality and effectiveness of the district.
Instruction is framed by formative instructional practices. The district has committed to using Formative Instructional Practices to continually improve teacher effectiveness. The seven strategies of assessment for learning: (1) Provide students with a clear and understandable vision of learning targets; (2) Use examples and models of strong and weak work; (3) Offer regular descriptive feedback (4) Teach students to self-assess and set goals; (5) Design lessons focused on one learning target or aspect of quality of time; (6) Teach students focused revision; and (7) Engage students in self-reflection, and let them keep track of their learning.