Whitman School is a partnership involving the Home, the Community, and the School. Our beliefs are as follows:
- The school should create an environment conducive to the development of self-motivation. - The school should create an environment conducive to the development of personal excellence. - The school should provide equitable opportunities for students to be responsible in a group. - The school should provide equitable opportunities for students to learn how to behave effectively. - Self-worth is the key to successful learning and the development of personal responsibility. - All children can learn but the rate and style in which they learn differ. - Effective education requires financial support and accountability. - A high quality staff is essential for student success. - Education and learning begin in the home with the family and require their ongoing involvement through the years. Our Mission:
The Washington Township School District will provide a safe educational environment for all students to attain the skills necessary for full participation in our global society as responsible, self-directed, and civic-minded citizens.
To fulfill our mission and to underscore our beliefs, the Washington Township Board of Education has adopted a series of goals for the 2002-2003 school year.
Our District School Goals:
- To ensure that all school facilities are clean, safe, secure, drug free and prepared for emergency management. - To improve student academic performance at all levels district wide as demonstrated on recognized standardized tests including: HSPT, GEPA, ESPA, SAT and PSAT. - To increase "alternative revenues" to supplement and enhance district programs and initiatives. - To encourage innovative programming that will provide curricular and co-curricular opportunities for all students. - To maintain frequent and quality communication within the organization and throughout the community so as to foster understanding and support for the mission of the Washington Township Public Schools.