The Wickliffe City School District: Inspiring Students to Learn, Lead, and Serve
The Wickliffe City School District will be an exemplary district. To that end, the District will:
Develop a strategic growth plan that will serve as its guidance document for the vision. The plan will be based on an on-going review of quantitative and qualitative data, educational and workforce trends, and the needs of the students and the community. The plan is focused enough to be implemented and evaluated, and broad enough to meet the changing needs of its stakeholders.
Provide students with a core curriculum complemented with a variety of elective courses and extra-curricular activities. This program will stimulate intellectual curiosity, require students to demonstrate that they have learned how to learn, and enables them to become productive and effective citizens.
Recognize the importance of each individual student by facilitating each student’s transition to and through high school, providing the information and support that enables him/her to develop appropriate educational and career goals, and will monitor the academic, behavior, and emotional progress of each student
Recruit, hire, and retain individuals with exceptional skill in their field, true passion for the work of education, and extraordinary compassion for people.
Provide continuous professional development to staff so that they will continue to develop their skills in the ever-changing nature of their work.
School is a joyful place that provides a warm, inviting, and safe environment. Students will enjoy their school experience, and develop a sense of pride in their school and community
Recognize the importance of establishing effective partnerships with the larger community (parents, residents, businesses, governmental agencies, and other organizations) and will work to partner with these groups to improve the educational program and the community.
Recognize that the benchmark for success is student learning, achievement, conduct, citizenship, and character.