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William K. Kohrs Memorial Library

501 Missouri Avenue

On March 20th, 1901, William Kruse Kohrs, the twenty-year old son of Powell County ranchers Conrad and Augusta Kohrs died after a short illness. As a memorial to their son, Mr. and Mrs. Kohrs arranged for the construction and furnishing of a free public library in Deer Lodge. The dedication was held on May 30th, 1903.

Designed in a modified Corinthian style, the main walls are of solid brick faced with dressed Columbus sandstone. The corners are quoined with Cariboo porphyry. The huge stained glass window depicts "A Reading from Homer." The total cost, including $5,000 for book purchases, was over $30,000.

The size and construction of the building and the architectural detailing distinguish the edifice from most small town libraries. The William K. Kohrs Memorial Library is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The two-story addition, completed in 1996 doubled the library's size. Restoration work on the original facility was undertaken at the same time.