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332 North Main Street
The Yazoo Historical Society was originally organized in the early part of the last century under the inspiration and leadership of then United States Senator John Sharp Williams of Yazoo County. However, like many such societies, including the Mississippi Historical Society itself, it has gone through successive periods of inactivity and revival. Particularly active from 1975 to 1990, when it created the Yazoo Historical Museum in the Triangle Cultural Center in 1981. Interest lapsed until 1995 when it was reawakened and now has over 200 members.
The society's new objective was to save and restore the historical museum, which was badly deteriorating from lack of supervision at the Triangle, and massive damage to stored artifacts and displays from a badly leaking roof. The Museum's roof has been beautifully restored and partially reopened under a design plan created by Commarts, a Jackson , MS firm specializing in museum displays. However, restoration is currently on hold while additional funding is being sought.