Mercy Medical Center of Redding

2175 Rosaline Avenue
Redding CA 96001

Phone: 530-225-6000

Who We Are:

Mercy Medical Center Redding is a 273-bed hospital offering the most comprehensive health services in the north state, providing acute care and a full range of special programs to a six-county region. Mercy Medical Center Redding is sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy of Auburn, along with St. Elizabeth Community Hospital and Mercy Medical Center Mt. Shasta. For more information call 24-Mercy 246-3729.


Catholic Health care West and its sponsoring congregations are committed to furthering the healing ministry of Jesus. Catholic Health care West dedicates its resources to:

- Delivering compassionate, high quality, affordable health services;
- Serving and advocating for our sisters and brothers who are poor and disenfranchised;
- Partnering with others in the community to improve the quality of life.


Catholic Health care West is committed to providing high-quality, affordable health care to the communities it serves. Above all else Catholic Health care West values:

- Dignity – respecting the inherent value and worth of each person.
- Collaboration – working together with people who support common values and vision to achieve shared goals.
- Justice – Advocating for social change and acting in ways that promote respect for all persons and demonstrate compassion for those who are powerless.
- Stewardship – cultivating the resources entrusted to us to promote healing and wholeness.
- Excellence – Exceeding expectations through teamwork and innovation.


A growing and diversified healthcare ministry distinguished by excellent quality and committed to expanding access to those in need.

Values Integration:

Our deep commitment and sense of purpose is rooted in the heritage, values and traditions of our healing ministry. The five core values of Dignity, Collaboration, Justice, Stewardship and Excellence serve as guides to help us demonstrate life-giving behaviors that are essential to carrying out our mission every day. Integration of values is comprised of the relationships, processes, and programs that are part of the fabric woven throughout our ministry to express the spirit and culture of Catholic Health care West. From routine to major decisions, our core values guide us in making moral, ethical and just decisions for the people we serve.

Upcoming Events at Mercy Medical Center of Redding

Approaching Alzheimer's and Dementia Training

Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Mercy Medical Center of Redding
Redding, CA
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