Museum Of Contemporary Art (Chicago)

220 East Chicago Ave
Chicago IL 60611

Contact: Erin Bird
Email: [email protected]


MCA: Family Day: I Heart Art

Saturday, February 9, 2013,   11am

Free for families with kids 12 and under


Family Days take place every second Saturday of the month from 11 am to 3 pm at the Museum of Contemporary Art from October to May.  Activities are appropriate for all ages unless otherwise noted. The MCA invites families to learn about the art of our time through hands-on art activities, scavenger hunts, Look & Learn stations, and more. This February, inspired by Valentine’s Day, explore emotions through hands –projects and enjoy celebrating the love of art.


Puck’s deal on Family Day: Children 12 and under are our special guests—receive 50% off with a purchase of one adult entrée!

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