Government and Politics
May 29, 2023
From: Town Of SharonGreetings!
Memorial Day Parade
Monday, May 29th
Line up will be at the Shopping Center
The parade route will end at the War Memorial
Come and honor our Veterans'.
Beach Stickers
become available on June 1st.
Price is the same as last year.
Please go to the Selectmen's Office
during normal office hours to purchase sticker.
For more information call - 860-364-5789
Saturday, June 3
Sharon Historic District Commission (SHDC) is hosting
“A Celebration of History on the Green.”
The gathering will be held at Standard Space gallery at 147 Main Street from 5-7pm
refreshments will be provided by local merchants.
The casual event is intended to build greater awareness of our town’s historic district, especially among district residents, and all are invited.
All Sharon townspeople are also welcome and special guests include Town officials, Historical Society staff, and representatives from the CT Trust for Historic Preservation.
Come one, come all…have fun, meet your neighbors, and savor a bit of Sharon’s marvelous history.
Household Hazardous Waste Day June 10th
Please contact the Selectmen's Office at 860-364-5789 for information or go to the office for a ticket.
Sunday, June 11th
Eat in or Take out
7:00 AM to 10:30 AM
$7.00 per breakfast
For more information call - 917-742-7287
Information will be forthcoming on the Transfer Station Stickers.
NOTE: The Selectmen's office will have limited office hours from June 22nd to June 30th