
Weymouth Public Libraries Community Connections: April 2023

Schools and Libraries

April 21, 2023

From: Weymouth Public Libraries - Tufts Library

News from the Friends of the Weymouth Public Libraries  

1/2 Off Book Sale for all Adult Mystery books from April 18-22 at the Friends Book Store. 

Look for a monthly book sale during the 3rd week of each month! 

Extended hours this week are:

  • Thursday from 10 am - 8 pm
  • Friday & Saturday from 10 am - 4 pm

Also open from 10 am - 8 pm on Wednesday, 3/29

Book Store Volunteers: The Mary Quinton Bookstore is looking increase the hours the store is open and we are looking for volunteers. Sign up for a 2 hour slot by contacting our volunteer scheduler at:  [email protected]

Are you a Friend? Support our library by becoming a member of the Friends.  Single membership is $15, family membership is $25, or make a donation.  We hope you will support our organization!

Reminder: The Friends Annual Meeting will be held Saturday,

April 29 at 10:00 AM at the Tufts Library.

Water Main Flushing

April 4,2023 through June 2, 2023

What’s happening?

The Weymouth Water Department will be conducting their semi-annual Water Main Flushing Program beginning in South Weymouth on Tuesday, April 4, 2023 and continuing through North Weymouth finishing about Friday, June 2, 2023. Flushing of water mains will be conducted between the hours of 11:00 P.M. – 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.  The program will be completed in phases to minimize any potential impacts to water quality and service.  Water mains will be flushed by releasing water from selected hydrants throughout the Town.

What are the benefits of flushing water mains?

Water main flushing is an effective method of improving drinking water quality and is an integral component of a water utility's distribution system maintenance program.

More Information 

Weymouth 2023 Yard Waste Pickup Schedule

Yard Waste will be picked up at curbside starting the week of April 19th, 2023. Yard waste is picked up every other week. Yard waste bags or plastic barrels may be used. 

Check the Schedule online. 

Weymouth Farmers Market Summer Schedule

The Weymouth Farmers Market announced its schedule for Summer 2023, with the first market taking place on June 11th from 10 AM - 1 PM at the Weymouth High School. 

They will also continue to provide the SNAP match this summer. 

Weymouth Food Pantry 

Locations and Hours 

Their mission is to end hunger in Weymouth.  Please consider helping out by donating.

Park Serve Day

This year celebrate Earth Week with DCR, friends and partners by being part of Park Serve Day on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at a DCR facility near you!

To see all events, visit DCR's Eventbrite page.

Massachusetts Providing Extra Food Funds for 3 Months

Extra COVID Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, known as SNAP Emergency Allotments, were created during the pandemic to help individuals and families buy food. 

Action by the federal government (through the Congressional Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023) ended the extra COVID SNAP benefits on March 2, 2023.

Massachusetts is providing extra SNAP benefits in the beginning of April, May, and June as an off-ramp to make the ending of the federal payments feel less abrupt. The state-funded extra benefits are up to 40% of the difference between ones normal monthly SNAP benefit amount and the maximum SNAP amount for their household size, with a minimum amount of $38 a month.

For more informationMass.gov/ExtraCOVIDSNAP


COVID-19 rules in place during the federal public health emergency that provided continuous coverage of MassHealth will be ending

 MassHealth will be renewing all current members, which is called the   "redetermination process". For full information, check the MassHeath website.

Norfolk County Register of Deeds O'Donnell Promotes Massachusetts Homestead Act

Register of Deeds William P. O’Donnell today reminded Norfolk County homeowners about the importance of filing for Homestead Protection. 

O’Donnell noted, "If you own a home, and it is your primary residence, you have an automatic homestead exemption of $125,000. However, if you file a Declaration of Homestead at the Registry of Deeds, the exemption increases to $500,000. The Homestead Law provides a homeowner with limited protection against the forced sale of their primary residence to satisfy unsecured debt. This is especially important when you consider that for most of us, a home is our most valuable asset. Consumers should take steps to protect that asset."  More Information

Click Here for more information.