Welcome to the Boot Brew Fest website. This is a homebrew competition and festival held in Eunice, LA. While we do love our craft and macro breweries, this festival is focused on experiencing and learning about homebrewed beer. As a result, any beer served on site will be made by an amateur brewer, who will likely be there if you would like to discuss their process.
Welcome to the Boot Brew Fest website. This is a homebrew competition and festival held in Eunice, LA. While we do love our craft and macro breweries, this festival is focused on experiencing and learning about homebrewed beer. As a result, any beer…
Read More »Welcome to the Boot Brew Fest website. This is a homebrew competition and festival held in Eunice, LA. While we do love our craft and macro breweries, this festival is focused on experiencing and learning about homebrewed beer. As a result, any beer…
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