About Russell Elementary School
Rumney, the site of Russell Elementary School (RES), is a small rural town nestled in the White Mountains of northern New Hampshire. The townspeople, for the most part, are self-employed loggers, mill workers, or retired. Rumney supports a population of approximately 1,600 residents.
The Rumney School Board, Russell Elementary School Administration and Staff are committed to providing a safe and comfortable atmosphere in which children can learn. This includes showing respect for one another and the school facility, encouraging a sense of self-responsibility and taking pride in working to the best of one's ability. Within this environment, we also are committed to:
Developing each student's full academic potential;
Cultivating good character, citizenship and self-reliance;
Helping students to build positive self-esteem and desire to become life long
Encouraging collaboration among staff to provide learning experiences
relevant to all students' needs;
Implementing curriculum in ways which will motivate and challenge students to learn;
Involving students in programs that promote healthful living;