Our original goals in forming this market were two fold: first, to create marketing opportunities for local farmers and second, to bring quality local fruits and vegetables into local communities. Idealistic and beneficial as these goals may seem, they originally faced opposition. In fact, that first year, two communities turned down our request to start a growers market and our plans were put on hold.
In the early winter of 1995, a letter was sent off to the Borough of West Chester, our third choice of location, to see if they perhaps had interest in hosting our Growers Market. And we simply could not have had better timing. The Borough was actively looking for ways to revitalize a slumping downtown and a farmers market was on their agenda. The Borough got right behind the idea and offered the growers the choice of several different locations. Our original choice of the parking lot on the corner of Church & Chestnut Streets still is the current home of the market.
Season: Summer
Market Hours:
May - December 2025
Saturdays, 9 AM - 1 PM
Season: Winter
January - April, 2025
1st and 3rd Saturdays, 10AM - 12PM
Location: Corner of North Church and West Chestnut Streets